Tuesday 4 November 2014

Welcome to the Dungeon

Everybody has his own way to unwind, some read, others play video games, while others just watch TV. One might prefer going out; cycle, jog, drink, party... Others like to meet up with their friends and go on adventures of their own, through forests, castles, and of course, dungeons, slaying beasts and recovering lost treasures, to save a civilisation, for personal glory or for revenge.

About a year ago, a friend of mine asked me if I had ever played Dungeons and Dragons, to which I answered "No, but I'm curious." Needless to say, I loved it. Although we haven't met up once a month or more frequently (we all have work to do, and families), we do love the thrill of the adventure, and we all come up with different characters every time; a new story, a new motivation each time.

This blog will be a diary, if you will, of all the characters I created and will be creating in the future, along with the plots I create as a Dungeon Master when I take the job (I only did this once, but won't hesitate to do so again should the others all want to be a character in the game.)

So put on your cloak, prepare your sword, and join the ride, I might even create a character story for fun, even if it is not specifically for a D&D game I attend, maybe someone out there finds some inspiration in my writing and creates a character for his own D&D session based on something they read here.

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