Wednesday 12 November 2014

Yor'Aves, wielder of the ethereal flame

This time round, the DM decided to create a a Gaslight Fantasy world for us to venture through; Fernia, the capital, was described as 'similar to Victorian London'.

Fernia, the capital city of Fern, ruled by the Governor Lord Graham Pierce,  a city of emergin capitalism, economy and industry. Many farmers and villagers left their lands long ago to start a new life in Fernia. The capital is busy, noisy, dirty; however, this is the best place to be for any person who wants to make a fortune. 

Yor'aves lived in the capital of Fernia with his family when he was young. Not the loud kind of person, at the age of twenty five, he took up and undertaker post at the edge of the city for some peace and quiet. After a couple of years at the post, he found an amulet, with what seemed to be an ethereal flame inside it. He tried and tried to destroy the relic, for he sensed great power within it, power which could lead to disastrous events should it fall in the wrong hands; but to no success. 

He decided to carry it around his neck at all times to secure the relic; but its power reached out to him, leading him to kill an entire family, the family which had had an ancient feud against his ancestors. The amulet granted him the ability to draw flames out of it, striking down his opponents and burning them to death. He tried to hide these events, but his brother was in the area, and saw the entire event from a distance. Upon confrontation from his family, Yor'aves lost control of his new-found power, killing all of his family members. 

Shocked by this power and the lack of control he had over it, he fled the city. He moved to Artemis, a city rumoured to house magic wielders and historians; he would not give up this powerful amulet but he vowed to find out what it is and to master is powers. Over the thirteen years living in Artemis, Yor'aves heard rumours of a "dark figure who suddenly draws flames from his chest and burns people alive"; but given the scepticism of the citizens about magic, he still yet has to be threatened by the authorities. 

Living in Artemis has over the years proved to be quite a good hideout. During the time spent in this city and researching the power of the amulet Yor'Aves met a scholar by the name of Sir Sorsken. Without fiving this stranger too much detail about his goals, he found much help and guidance from Sir Sorsken's knowledge, learning how to master and control much of the amulet's power over the time he spent in the scholar's company. Then all of a sudden, Sir Sorsken had to leave off for one of his urgent expeditions across the continent, and little more did Yor'Aves hear of him.

At the age of forty five, the mail man knocked Yor'Aves' door and said he had a letter for him. A surprising event, to say the least, as he barely had any acquaintances, let alone friends. The following was written in the letter:

Mr Yor’aves,
Whilst hoping you are well and still in control of yourself, I can finally and happily tell you that I have an opportunity you’ve long been seeking.
The matter is of slight urgency, and of the kind of nature which I’m sure you will accept with open arms…. unless you’ve changed so much.
To discuss this special meeting we have a reserved table at the Silver Bull & Momma’s in Fernia in 1 week hence, at 6 in the evening.
I will see you then,
Your friend,Sir I Sorksen.

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