Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Strike of Saarii - Chapter V

After a whole day of riding, luckily without any more intruders, the warriors arrive at the capital city of Midgard, Enligt. Here they were stopped at the gates by the guards and asked why they needed to enter the city. Upon saying that they needed to talk to Lord Runo, they were allowed to pass through, but they knew that they would be followed for the security of their ruler. Having arrived in the evening, they decided to meet Lord Runo the following morning, and headed towards the inn, The Pint and Nap. Here they had a decent meal, paid for a room each and passed the night.

In the morning, they regrouped outside the inn, after having breakfast, Dan took much longer than the rest, eating twice as much. Walking as a group towards the keep, they noticed that they were being followed by two guards, keeping their distance. Once at the door of the keep, they were asked to wait until the Lord gave them permission to enter. After a while the group was granted access and were escorted to the throne room, where they all knelt down in front of their leader, an act performed by every man who wanted to keep his head attached to his neck.

"Rise," he said, "and tell me what happened." Dean introduced the group and explained what had happened out at sea. Trouble was clearly visible on Lord Runo's face, a whole naval force lost before engaging with the enemy is not what a king wants to hear about a month after they were dispatched. "Come back tomorrow morning and we will talk again of the matter," he told the group and left the throne room through a side door. The group was escorted out of the keep and spent the day touring the markets, taking a relaxing day at last.

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The following morning, they were all ready and waiting for the Lord to arrive at the throne room, kneeling again as he entered. "You bring grave news," the Lord stated, "but all is not lost. I task you now to climb up the White Mountains, using the passage directly to the North of this castle, and meet the Master Druid at the Druid's Plateau. Tell him, that I sent you and ask him if there is anything that is stopping the navy from arriving at Saarii. The guards will give you gifts which you will give to the druid and some money to for you to acquire anything to help you on your trip." Saying this, he dismissed the group, who used their newly acquired money to purchase better weapons and trinkets to improve their chances in future battles.


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