Sunday 15 February 2015

Sword Coast Legends: my thoughts

Ever wanted to experience a Dungeons and Dragons adventure in the form of a video game? Of course you have, and you've tried countless RPGs. Here comes another, but this one is different. First off, it is set in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe based on the fifth edition ruleset; even populated with Dungeons & Dragons lore and legend.

The single player campaign was created by developers who worked on Dragon Age: Origins, in my opinion, a guarantee of high quality content right there. Watching the teaser they posted by the development team, I can clearly see the Dragon Age influence on the game, having the ability to pause the game and plan you next move; wise move. Another feature we will quickly recognise is the top down isometric view, a welcome feature in my books. Players will be able to join campaigns playing as one of five races and six classes; a good selection.

However, playing it in single player mode is just like any other RPG; bring in multiplayer mode. You can play the game with up to three other players, a group of four, not a new idea by far, in my opinion; but here's where this game stands out. A fifth player can join into the fray; as the Dungeon Master!! The DM will be able to create his/her own epic adventure and let the players to navigate through it, if they can. Dragon Age: Origins director Dan Tulge said that "DMs are able to adjust encounters, place, promote, manage and even control monsters, set traps, reward and punish party members." Awesome.

Oh wait, did I forget to mention that the DM will be able to do all this in real-time?

As Digital Trends argue here, "the role of the DM is not strictly adversarial. They can help or hinder the players as t hey see fit, able to increase the challenge and punish players that are doing too well or help out the heroes when they are stuggling and move the story forward." That's exactly what the DM in Sword Coast Legends will be able to do.

For those who are concerned about the requirements for this game, not a problem. You should all check out the official site and then their social media profiles for more information about this new gem. I will surely blog more about this upcoming game as more news is posted, as well as when I get my hands on it and actually play it.

Get ready to fight epic battles, walk through dark dungeons and chill out in a noisy tavern some time in 2015.


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