Sunday 26 April 2015

Donshu Sarco, Commander of Death

Greetings, reader. I was recounting the tale of the Legend of the Dragons' Lair, join me as I continue the tale, with the story of Donshu Sarco, Commander of Death. You can find the start of the tale here.

The few Ferrani Dwarves who survived the attack by the dragons, fled from their home beneath Ferran Mountain. One of these survivors was a young dwarf from the Sarco family, named Donshu. From a young age, Donshu was attracted to the arts of war, learning to wield a battle hammer and striking down enemies with ease, as well as moving around with heavy armour without slowing down at all. However, this all changed when he fled the mountain. 

Accompanied by two other young dwarves who exited the mountain at the same time, he ventured south towards the city of Rali; governed by men. This city had close business ties to the Ferrani Dwarves, purchasing weapons, armour, and other metal works from the dwarves. This suited Donshu and his mates quite nicely, they immediately found work as blacksmiths in Rali; being paid quite handsomely for their fine work. After over ten years working in Rali, Donshu decided it was time to exact vengeance against the dragons, be it ethical or not. The only way he could think of was to raise an entire army of undead Ferrani warriors from within the mountain itself. He looked for books on Necromancy and once he was confident he could complete the ritual he had found to raise a large number of dead soldiers, he decided to leave on his own, but was joined by his fellow Ferrani dwarves; for they knew of his plan and wanted to help.

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Having arrived at Ferran Mountain, the three moved as silently as possible, entering the mountain and travelling to its very center, where the harshest fights had happened. Avoiding any large spaces where dragons were sleeping, they found a sheltered area, where the dragons could not see or reach them, and performed the necessary ritual. Upon uttering the last word of the ritual, dwarven skeletons in Ferrani armour started standing up almost immediately. These undead warriors, having been killed by the dragons, had only one objective, returning the favour. Donshu and the other dwarves remained hidden, constantly raising more undead warriors to replenish their numbers when they were mowed back down by the dragons. One dragon after the other was being slain, more undead dwarves being raised constantly to continue the attack.

After hours of constant battle, a deafening roar could be heard even outside the mountain, the last dragon inside Ferran Mountain had been cut down by the dwarves, their home land finally taken back.

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