Tuesday 28 April 2015

Rhea Erinnia, Purifier of the Dragons' Lair

Greetings, reader. I was narrating the tale of Rhea Erinnia and her failure to eradicate the aura of death in Ferran Mountain here. Join me as I recount how she managed to redeem herself in this final tale which leads us to how Ferran Mountain came to be the empty mine we know today. 

From a protector of a monastery to a bodyguard of a Necromancer King, Rhea's worst nightmare. When others ventured into the king's dominion, it was her who issued orders for his undead army; to slay any intruders on sight. She knew she had also slain other members of the Shields of Vitem, she still recognised their armour. This she mourned, she had slain her companions; people she knew and even grew up with.

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Day and night, she tried to break the curse, until one day she felt that Donshu's hold over her mind was more relaxed than usual. It seemed like he grew too confident that she was under his complete control. However, she had not regained full control of her body, she couldn't escape or fight back. Her brain drifted in and out of control periodically, at times she was back under his control, barely able to think for herself. When she was able to think clearly for herself, she decided to hide the fact that Donshu was not able to control her so easily from him as long as possible, she pretended to be under his complete control even when she wasn't. Her plan was to fool him into a false sense of security, hoping that he would loosen his grip on her even more, until she could act freely.

This plan worked.

After months of this routine, Rhea started to feel like she was herself again. For a whole week, she felt like she had full control over her mind and body. When she felt she could do whatever she wanted without giving Donshu any chance to react, she reached for her sword, drew and struck at her king, chopping his head off in a matter of seconds. In less than a minute, the undead army that had raided towns and villages for years collapsed to the ground, leaving only full sets of Ferrani armour and weapons behind.

The Ferrani King had been slain, and his army eradicated. This is what Rhea had learned to wield a weapon for; stopping any evil the world may be harbouring. Leaving the mountain, her prison, was a triumph she would carry with her forever. No one really knew who had purified the mountain; she would never tell anyone, for it was her own failure that imprisoned her. Returning back to mercenary work, she vowed to protect anyone in need, till death took her from this realm.


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