Sword Coast Legends: my thoughts

This is a short review of what I have seen so far regarding an upcoming DnD video game called Sword Coast Legends.

The Strike of Saarii

A series of posts detailing a journey a group of players went through in a DnD session I mastered.

Teraqa Akil, the Egyptian Earth Mage

The first female character I decided to create and roleplay as.

Aíma, the Blood Mage

A Blood Mage I created and roleplayed as in a single day DnD session.

Should you use dice other than the d20?

Ideas which can be used in DnD, as well as other board games, regarding the use of different dice, not just the d20.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

5 Reasons to play Skyrim... Again.

We've all played Skyrim, we all know what it's all about; if you haven't, just get to it already. But this is not a game you simply play through it once and throw it on the shelf with all the rest of the collection, never to be played again. There are several reasons why one should play the game, from the start, again.

1. You Can Be Anything
Contrary to most other RPGs out there, Skyrim is not restrictive in what gear and abilities one can use depending on which class they choose at the start of the game. Maybe the player thinks two-handed weapons are awesome but then realises archery is amazing (oh, it is; trust me). One can change what they do mid-game, it only depends on player preference, the character can wield anything, as long as they have the necessary skill. That said, if you want to use a weapon you've never used before, just equip a low tier weapon of that type and train the character in using it. Also, you can create hybrid classes; a Battle Mage for instance, a magic user wearing heavy armour. Go wild...

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2. Exploration

Most RPGs do not offer much in if the player does not follow the quest lines; the developers focus on them to provide the player with interesting gameplay. However, in Skyrim, the player can just wander off and explore the huge province of Skyrim. Exploring the area leads to different side quests which are found in different caves, abandoned fortresses and bandit camps. Also, the game features lots of different unique encounters that are not tied to any specific quest. For instance, one can find a spectre of a Headless Horseman, riding towards Hamvir's Rest, where the player can fight some skeletons and a high level Draugr warriors and loot a Master Chest. Although the loot might not particularly interest you, the awesome part is in seeing and following the Horseman himself. It is not a quest, and nobody really tells you to do it, it's something you can decide to do on your own. So it's perfectly OK to create your own side quests... Do it!

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3. Combat System

The combat system itself is different than traditional RPGs; typically, one has a set of abilities which are mapped to a set of keys, expending mana (called Magicka in the Elder Scrolls series) to use them, and then waiting for a cooldown before using the same ability again. Skyrim combines this with a Hack and Slash system. Now, although some would argue that a hack and slash game is 'lame', how is auto locking an enemy any better? Here you can feel like you are the one who is slicing the enemy with you huge two handed sword, or landing a headshot with your ebony arrows. Having your character do all the job can diminish that feeling of immersion that many players look for in games and developers try to create.

Furthermore, use the third person view for exploration, but play in first person while in combat. Third person for exploration allows you to see more of the beautiful scenery, but first person during combat makes you feel like you are looking through the character's eyes, through your eyes, instead of hovering on top of him. I mean, come on, this looks awesome.

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4. Mods

Players have commented on forums that the game has no replayability value since one can combine multiple playthroughs into one characters, thus not needing to replay the game as a different class. However, one can also check out some mods and try them out, recreating one's experience of the game. Change textures of weapons, play as a totally different race or play in a new zone, you can do it all with the help of mods. Want to play as a Draugr? Or maybe dress up as Sauron... your choice.

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5. Books

Yes, Books. Maybe you're not into reading that much, but that does not mean you shouldn't at least check out some of the books scattered across across the province. In castles, hidden in camps or caves, books can be found anywhere. Some of these give you some insight into the history of different creatures, races and places.

Others are pure entertainment, even if full of hidden meanings. This last one was priceless, I couldn't believe my eyes. You just have to read through.

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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Rhea Erinnia, Purifier of the Dragons' Lair

Greetings, reader. I was narrating the tale of Rhea Erinnia and her failure to eradicate the aura of death in Ferran Mountain here. Join me as I recount how she managed to redeem herself in this final tale which leads us to how Ferran Mountain came to be the empty mine we know today. 

From a protector of a monastery to a bodyguard of a Necromancer King, Rhea's worst nightmare. When others ventured into the king's dominion, it was her who issued orders for his undead army; to slay any intruders on sight. She knew she had also slain other members of the Shields of Vitem, she still recognised their armour. This she mourned, she had slain her companions; people she knew and even grew up with.

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Day and night, she tried to break the curse, until one day she felt that Donshu's hold over her mind was more relaxed than usual. It seemed like he grew too confident that she was under his complete control. However, she had not regained full control of her body, she couldn't escape or fight back. Her brain drifted in and out of control periodically, at times she was back under his control, barely able to think for herself. When she was able to think clearly for herself, she decided to hide the fact that Donshu was not able to control her so easily from him as long as possible, she pretended to be under his complete control even when she wasn't. Her plan was to fool him into a false sense of security, hoping that he would loosen his grip on her even more, until she could act freely.

This plan worked.

After months of this routine, Rhea started to feel like she was herself again. For a whole week, she felt like she had full control over her mind and body. When she felt she could do whatever she wanted without giving Donshu any chance to react, she reached for her sword, drew and struck at her king, chopping his head off in a matter of seconds. In less than a minute, the undead army that had raided towns and villages for years collapsed to the ground, leaving only full sets of Ferrani armour and weapons behind.

The Ferrani King had been slain, and his army eradicated. This is what Rhea had learned to wield a weapon for; stopping any evil the world may be harbouring. Leaving the mountain, her prison, was a triumph she would carry with her forever. No one really knew who had purified the mountain; she would never tell anyone, for it was her own failure that imprisoned her. Returning back to mercenary work, she vowed to protect anyone in need, till death took her from this realm.

Monday 27 April 2015

Rhea Erinnia, Shield of Vitem

Greetings, reader. I was recounting the tale of the Legend of the Dragons' Lair, join me as I continue the tale, with the story of Rhea Erinnia, Shield of Vitem. You can find the start of the tale here and the tale of Donshu Sarco here.

Rhea Erinnia spent most of her life as a paladin of the Monastery of Sanaret, in the realm of Solum; serving as one of the Shields of Vitem, the guards of the monastery. Bandits attacked the monastery for its riches, while politicians wanted the Order of Sanaret to be eredicated for their vocal opinions on their way of ruling over Solum. Rhea's payment came from defending the monastery and attacking hideouts, camps and fortresses of the Order's enemies.

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However, she could not keep up this life forever. She had been working for the Order, surviving countless battles, for over fifteen years when she was exiled. The Order wanted the Shields to attack an innocent village under the pretense that they were part of the Army of Mendax, the lord who ruled over the East of Solum. Rhea and five other members of the Shields of Vitem protested that this was not how the Order or the Shields operated, and that they would not have any part in the slaughter of innocent villagers. For this, they were exiled, and threatened that they would be hunted down by the rest of the Shields should they ever interfere with the work of the Order.

So the group left, and made their way to the North, were they found work as mercenaries, protecting caravans as they travelled from one city to another. They kept up this up until one day they were attacked by undead warriors clad in the unmistakable black armour of the Ferrani Dwarves, when they were travelling close to Ferran Mountain. They survived the attack, but the caravan was destroyed and the merchants slain. Although they beat the attackers, they felt defeated for having failed to defend their employers. The way they felt they could redeem themselves was by destroying the source of these monsters; inside the Dragons' Lair.

As they entered, they were immediately attacked by waves of undead warriors. Countless in numbers, these skeletons were too much for the paladins, one by one, they were struck down until only Rhea was left, her abilities in magical spells combined with her skill with sword and shield kept her alive for days on end. However, she was eventually severely wounded and surrounded by undead warriors on all sides. Ready to die, she laid there waiting for the killing strike, or to bleed out. However, before closing her eyes, she saw the skeletons surrounding her fall to pieces.

Next thing she knew, Rhea was guarding the Ferrani king, Donshu Sarco, who had taken over the mountain from the Dragons with the help of the undead horde of Ferrani warriors at his command. Although she tried to attack him, Rhea couldn't, she felt bound to protect Donshu, bound to protect her king. Although she was cursed to do his bidding, she knew what had happened, and was constantly trying to break the curse.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Donshu Sarco, Commander of Death

Greetings, reader. I was recounting the tale of the Legend of the Dragons' Lair, join me as I continue the tale, with the story of Donshu Sarco, Commander of Death. You can find the start of the tale here.

The few Ferrani Dwarves who survived the attack by the dragons, fled from their home beneath Ferran Mountain. One of these survivors was a young dwarf from the Sarco family, named Donshu. From a young age, Donshu was attracted to the arts of war, learning to wield a battle hammer and striking down enemies with ease, as well as moving around with heavy armour without slowing down at all. However, this all changed when he fled the mountain. 

Accompanied by two other young dwarves who exited the mountain at the same time, he ventured south towards the city of Rali; governed by men. This city had close business ties to the Ferrani Dwarves, purchasing weapons, armour, and other metal works from the dwarves. This suited Donshu and his mates quite nicely, they immediately found work as blacksmiths in Rali; being paid quite handsomely for their fine work. After over ten years working in Rali, Donshu decided it was time to exact vengeance against the dragons, be it ethical or not. The only way he could think of was to raise an entire army of undead Ferrani warriors from within the mountain itself. He looked for books on Necromancy and once he was confident he could complete the ritual he had found to raise a large number of dead soldiers, he decided to leave on his own, but was joined by his fellow Ferrani dwarves; for they knew of his plan and wanted to help.

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Having arrived at Ferran Mountain, the three moved as silently as possible, entering the mountain and travelling to its very center, where the harshest fights had happened. Avoiding any large spaces where dragons were sleeping, they found a sheltered area, where the dragons could not see or reach them, and performed the necessary ritual. Upon uttering the last word of the ritual, dwarven skeletons in Ferrani armour started standing up almost immediately. These undead warriors, having been killed by the dragons, had only one objective, returning the favour. Donshu and the other dwarves remained hidden, constantly raising more undead warriors to replenish their numbers when they were mowed back down by the dragons. One dragon after the other was being slain, more undead dwarves being raised constantly to continue the attack.

After hours of constant battle, a deafening roar could be heard even outside the mountain, the last dragon inside Ferran Mountain had been cut down by the dwarves, their home land finally taken back.

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Saturday 25 April 2015

The Legend of the Dragons' Lair

Greetings, reader. Join me, as I recount the tale of the Legend of the Dragons' Lair, and the events which took place after dragons took over Ferran Mountain from the Ferrani Dwarves. Heavily influenced by Dungeons and Dragons, this series is a fantasy trip into the unknown. Venture if you dare! 

A long time ago, the Ferrani Dwarves were a mighty race, living in the mines beneath Ferran Mountain, in the North of the Solum realm. Nowadays, it is very rare for one of these skilled miners and blacksmiths; or any of the Ferrani warriors. Legend has it, these dwarves had dark grey skin, a trait they earned from living in an underground mine and forge for centuries. However, this was never proven as the only contact they had with outsiders was done wearing their traditional armour, which covered them from head to toe; only their dark eyes were slightly visible from beneath their helmets.

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It is said that this once mighty race was eliminated by dragons who sought to make Ferran Mountain their home. Seeing dragons enter their kingdom drove the dwarves to protect their homeland at all costs. Dragons were slain, for the Ferrani warriors were a real force to reckon with, but the number of casualties they suffered were too great. The survivors fled through the back of the mountain, leaving their homeland to be dominated by dragons, later to become known as the Dragons' Lair.

Or so goes the legend.

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However, no one has seen dragons flying around the area for ages. No villages have been burnt down since the time of the Ferrani Dwarves. However, new rumours have been spreading around the new generations. They say Necromancers have taken over the Dragons' Lair. They say that anyone who ventures close enough to their hideout is slain and turned into one of their undead soldiers. Rumour has it the Necromancers aim to send out an entire army of skeletons and ghouls to dominate the realm.

If this rumour is true, then Solum is in great peril. An entire army of undead Ferrani warriors with nothing to lose would be the greatest threat the realm has ever faced.

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Thursday 23 April 2015

Hero Forge

Recently I found an extremely interesting site for anyone who wants to create their own custom mini without the knowledge of 3D modelling or using any 3D modelling software. Hero Forge is a site which offers its users the ability to choose from a vast number of options to create unique models and print them in 3D. The user starts with a base model and then starts going through the options, changing its race and gender, pose, measurements, clothing, items in each hand as well as the character's base. 

Base Model
Half-Demon Fire Mage
Dwarven Warrior
Of course, these are just a sample of what you can do, there are quite a vast number of options one can select, with new ones added periodically, the latest announcement was that of the addition of a Half-Dragon race. Once the user is happy with the chosen parts and pose, the character can be ordered, which will be 3D printed and shipped to the user. When ordering the product, the user is presented with the following screen, with different materials and scales. Don't worry, you can read more about what materials are used by clicking on "About our materials".

What do you guys think? And if anyone ever purchased a product from Hero Forge, let me know what you think about it in the comments below.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

7 Dice sets to impress your DnD mates

Following on the last post, let's t alk about dice designs. There are tonnes of different designs out there, other than the regular types that everyone has. I've looked for some interesting styles that one might find, available out there; tell me what you think in the comments below.

Steampunk Gear by Avandius
Available here

Steampunk by Mechanical Oddities
Available here

Thorn Dice by Ceramic Wombat
Available here

Companion Cube by Nique Geek
Unfortunately no longer available
Their shop can be found here

Deadlands set by Baron
This was a concept for a dice set for Deadlands game
Info can be found here

Dwarven dice by Q-Workshop
Available here

Critical Hit LED dice by Think Geek
A d20 which lights up when u get 20.
Available here

Tell me what you think about these dice and other stylish sets in the comments below; would you buy them or do you prefer the traditional ones better?